
So, as I have said before I manage the IT department for the company I work for.  The other day we received this into our IT Help Desk ticketing system from one of our employees.  Now, I have some smart employees on my staff and there are many things that they can do that I feel are above and beyond the call of duty for someone working specifically in IT, however this one was just funny.

Screen shot from our ticketing system. Names blacked out to protect the guilty.

I am pretty sure that I don’t need to say anything else.  Needless to say we just closed the help ticket.

Today I am thankful for the decent people that exist in the world.  The person who allows you to merge on the freeway.  Those that hold the door open for others.  Those allowing someone else to have the close parking spot.  It shows me that there is still humanity left in this world.

I am also thankful for this police officer in New York.  If you have not heard the story, here is a link http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/29/nyregion/photo-of-officer-giving-boots-to-barefoot-man-warms-hearts-online.html?_r=1&  What a touching story, and especially at this time of year.  I know it has changed how I personally will look at the homeless and those who may be less fortunate than me.

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